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Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College
 for Navigators
Soviet air navigator and air traffic control education

Previously the airplane navigators or the air traffic control personnel were often suspended pilots. In the 1960s, a higher level of navigator and air traffic control training was needed. Therefore, more experimental training has been launched at Kachinskoye and Yeyskoye Higher Military Aviation College. These trainings were successful and in the second half of the sixties, a new school was founded.
Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College for Navigators was founded in 1966. The management and teaching staff prepared for education in by 1969. The school trained young air traffic controllers and navigators. The navigators were trained for the tactical air force, tactical cargo command and naval force. The aviation training of the navigators was carried out in Tu-124 Cookpot flying classrooms. The curriculum was finalized in 1972.

Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad
Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad
Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad
Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad


In the seventies, the Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College got more air regiments. The old Tu-124 Cookpot types were replaced by Tu-134 Crusty, An-12 Cub, and Be-12 Mail type. These were used as flying classrooms to train navigators.

The training of air traffic controllers was supported by the 228th regiment with high-speed MiG-21PF/PFM Fishbed-D/F and L-29 Delfin models. Young air traffic controllers were allowed to fly with L-29 during training.

The Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College flying regiments belonged to the 17th Tactical Air Army from 1972. In case of war, they would have been the reserve regiment of the 5th and 36th Air Army.

Soviet Navigator training flying classroom

Navigator training in flying classroom


Soviet MiG-21PFM in Bagerevo airport

Cadet guard in front of MiG-21PFM high speed trainer of 228th Training Air Regiment

Soviet L-29 Delfin in Bagerevo airport

Cadet of Vorosilovgrad college in front of 228th regiment’s L-29 Delfin


Soviet air navigator training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air traffic control training in Vorosilovgrad
Soviet air traffic control training in Vorosilovgrad Soviet air traffic control training in Vorosilovgrad


The exact number of squadrons is only estimated.

In the eighties, the bigger Tu-134 Crusty types were replaced by smaller An-26 Curl flying classroom type. The 228th Training Air Regiment received longer range MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K fighter type.

During the Afghan War, the Soviet Air Force was needed forward air control military persons. Therefore, the Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College started FAC training in the eighties. The college sent own instructor to Afghanistan for gain experience.


Soviet FAC - forward air control training in the eighties


Soviet MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K air traffic control trainer aircraft at the Bagerovo airport, Crimea


Soviet A-12 Cub flying classroom aircraft. Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College
Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation College Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation School
Soviet cadet in L-29 Delfin trainer aircraft at Bagerovo airport in 1986 Soviet cadet in L-29 Delfin trainer aircraft at Bagerovo airport in 1986
Soviet cadet in front of L-29 Delfin trainer aircraft at Bagerovo airport Soviet A-12 Cub flying classroom aircraft.
Soviet MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K air traffic control training aircrafts at Bagerovo airport In the winter of 1987

Soviet MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K air traffic control training aircraft of 228th Training Air Regiment at Bagerovo airport in the winter of 1987. Photo: Nikolay Krasikov collection

At the end of the eighties the intensity of the training decreased. As the last development, the MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K of the 228th Training Air Regiment was replaced by second-hand MiG-23MLD Flogger-K. The MiG-23MLDs came from the disbanded 168th regiment. The last class graduated in 1995 at the school.

228th Training Air Regiment’s L-29 Delfin

228th Training Air Regiment’s L-29 Delfin

Pilots of 228th regiment in front of former 168th regiment MiG-23MLD Flogger-K in 1992 at Bagerovo airport.

Soviet pilots of 228th regiment in front of former 168th regiment MiG-23MLD Flogger-K in 1992 at Bagerovo airport.


Soviet Union, USSR, Soviet Air Forces, VVS, Cold War, Vorosilovgrad Higher Military Aviation School, 228th Trainer Air Regiment, MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K, MiG-23MLD Flogger-K, 228th Trainer Aviation Regiment, Bagerovo, Kerch, Soviet Kiev Military District, 17th Tactical Air Army, Mikoyan and Gurevich

Облако тегов:
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР, Военно-воздушные силы, Холодная война, ВВВАУШ, Ворошиловградское ВВАУШ, Луганское ВВАУШ, Ворошиловградского Высшего Военного Авиационного Училища Штурманов, 228-й учебный авиационный полк, 228-й Уап, МиГ-21СМТ, МиГ-23МЛД, Багерово, Киевского ВО, КВО, 17-я воздушная армия, 17-й ВА, Микоян и Гуревич